
What would I do about Ukraine?

A friend and I have been debating Ukraine, and struggling to be respectful of our differing opinions. He asked me, “What would the Green Party — or you yourself — do about Ukraine if you were in power?” I’ll present this as my own perspective, which has certainly been clarified during three decades of Green […]

Oligarchy, Gratitude & Green Voter Guide

The US is the oligarch of the world. We know it, and statistics show it. Of countries with the highest military spending in 2022, the US spends more than the next nine countries combined (chart should say “9” instead of “10” countries). Even worse, US military spending is $2,219 per person, more than twelve times […]

United States OUT of Nicaragua — United People IN!

A well-known slogan from Latin America is “El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,” which translates to, “The people united will never be defeated.” Unfortunately, some people have way too much concentrated wealth and power, and they often try to “divide and conquer” the rest of us. Latin America is important to us for this reason. […]

Great Reads for Our Times – with a Dose of Hope

Please consider reading The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton! It’s enjoyable and eye-opening. Have you ever wondered exactly why the US federal government supposedly has huge, terrible deficits, so they cannot fund healthcare, education and infrastructure, and then suddenly the US finds enough money to bail out Wall Street banks, wage wars and foreign interference, […]

The Personal, the Political, and “US Out!”

The Personal My blogs are almost always purely political, but this one is a little more personal. My Facebook page is also mostly political, but the post that got more likes and comments than any other post was personal: the selfie you see of me and my daughter, musician Natalia Rogovin. It makes me smile. […]

Daniel Ortega, good before, but not now? Really??

This article about Daniel Ortega reverses the typical order, it starts with the question of “What can we do?” and ends with a bit of history, Nicaragua’s and mine. As you read, if you find yourself asking, “Really?” please consider checking some of the many links. WHAT CAN WE DO? (1) RENACER Act in Congress […]

Seven Tips: How to Tell when it’s a Lie

Even when we’re being lied to by almost every available source across the media and political spectrum, we can still become better lie detectors. This piece focuses on Latin America, and so a good question is, “Why is Latin America important?” The reasons are that we do care about how the US treats other people, and we need hope that things […]

Ten Things for US to Understand about Latin America

Hello everyone! I love my country — the US land and people — but it could be a lot better. And it will be, when we dump our sense of US supremacy! I just returned from two-weeks in Nicaragua. When I received the email announcement about this political delegation, which was coordinated by Friends of ATC and Sanctions […]