
United States OUT of Nicaragua — United People IN!

A well-known slogan from Latin America is “El pueblo unido jamás será vencido,” which translates to, “The people united will never be defeated.” Unfortunately, some people have way too much concentrated wealth and power, and they often try to “divide and conquer” the rest of us. Latin America is important to us for this reason. […]

The Personal, the Political, and “US Out!”

The Personal My blogs are almost always purely political, but this one is a little more personal. My Facebook page is also mostly political, but the post that got more likes and comments than any other post was personal: the selfie you see of me and my daughter, musician Natalia Rogovin. It makes me smile. […]

Daniel Ortega, good before, but not now? Really??

This article about Daniel Ortega reverses the typical order, it starts with the question of “What can we do?” and ends with a bit of history, Nicaragua’s and mine. As you read, if you find yourself asking, “Really?” please consider checking some of the many links. WHAT CAN WE DO? (1) RENACER Act in Congress […]