The Personal My blogs are almost always purely political, but this one is a little more personal. My Facebook page is also mostly political, but the post that got more likes and comments than any other post was personal: the selfie you see of me and my daughter, musician Natalia Rogovin. It makes me smile. […]
Author: Laura Wells
Daniel Ortega, good before, but not now? Really??
This article about Daniel Ortega reverses the typical order, it starts with the question of “What can we do?” and ends with a bit of history, Nicaragua’s and mine. As you read, if you find yourself asking, “Really?” please consider checking some of the many links. WHAT CAN WE DO? (1) RENACER Act in Congress […]
Seven Tips: How to Tell when it’s a Lie
Even when we’re being lied to by almost every available source across the media and political spectrum, we can still become better lie detectors. This piece focuses on Latin America, and so a good question is, “Why is Latin America important?” The reasons are that we do care about how the US treats other people, and we need hope that things […]
Ten Things for US to Understand about Latin America
Hello everyone! I love my country — the US land and people — but it could be a lot better. And it will be, when we dump our sense of US supremacy! I just returned from two-weeks in Nicaragua. When I received the email announcement about this political delegation, which was coordinated by Friends of ATC and Sanctions […]
US: End Sanctions, and Learn from the World!
The US is moving away, deliberately or not, from our overrated position of being the strongest imperial super-power — both militarily and economically — that the world has ever known. I say “overrated” because being an empire has not done a good job of generating real happiness, health, justice, and safety. If we want better […]
Healthy New Year, and may we do what we can do!
This year, my holiday greeting is Healthy New Year! My biggest wish is for everyone to have great motivation to do what we all can do uniquely — and in solidarity — for a better world, especially for those people whose days of birth happened much later than our own. What can we do? Many crucial steps […]
PROPOSITIONS — Money, Media, and Meaning — and SOLUTIONS
This blog is in two sections, first, a look at why state propositions were approved or not, and then a look forward toward solutions we actually can implement starting in 2021. My November blog email “Why landslide for Democratic PRESIDENT, and majority for Republican PROPOSITIONS?” received 60-some thought-provoking responses. People agreed that many voters were […]
Why landslide for Democratic PRESIDENT, and majority for Republican PROPOSITIONS?
Why do you think California voted overwhelmingly — by a margin of 30 points — for the Democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate Joe Biden over Republican Donald Trump, at the same time that California voted more in line with Republican endorsements than with Democratic endorsements on state PROPOSITIONS? In other words, at the same time that the […]
Check the Polls – Oppose the LIES!
BALLOTS ARE ARRIVING… … for everyone in California, and for many across the country. Look in the Green Voter Guide to help with CA state propositions and other races. You will find a “voter card” HERE. For a link to a PDF of the entire publication, see the line above the “Please note” paragraph. CHECK […]
Green Voter Guide – YES on 15 – Stop Trump reactions!
BALLOTS AND VOTER GUIDES Mail-in ballots will be arriving soon. For everyone in California they’ll be sent the week of October 6. The highly regarded Green Voter Guide published by the Green Party of Alameda includes endorsements for the California state propositions. The “voter card” summary and a PDF of the entire publication are found […]